Friday, October 2, 2009

Be Wary of the Middleman

There is a new catch phrase called 'Do it Yourself With Others' or DIYWO. Be wary of it.

Bigger isn't always better. Sometimes it's best to keep things in house. Right now, indie distribution is an open arena and anyone's game. Keep that in mind.

Remember, no one has a market on indie distribution. No one has figured it out. There is a lot of talk going around and most of what is said is coming from middlemen trying to figure out how they can make a buck off indie filmmakers.

Be skeptical. Be wary.

This 'free films for all' doesn't seem like a good bet for the financial health and well-being of filmmakers. Instead of selling out, hold out. If for no other reason because there is no one out there better suited to distribute your film (outside of major theatrical releases) than yourself at least for now. Don't give up the gold. Your film is gold. Hold onto it.

Be proactive in the distribution of our film. Submit to festivals that seem like a good fit for your work. Think grassroots.

Think longterm financial gain. If you give up the rights to your film you will not be the person making money off it. Don't be in a hurry to sell yourself short.

Your time will come. Hold tight. We'll figure it out. In the meantime, keep your work close and don't allow yourself to be bamboozled by the bs-ers.

Create. Be solid. Have faith in your work.

We need to re-establish trust with audiences. For years now distributors have been feeding audiences a heck of a lot of crap along with a sprinkling of good films.

We will need to build a bridge directly between filmmakers and the audience. It'll happen.

Submit to festivals. Promote your work. Learn how other filmmakers are reaching audiences. Don't give up. Keep strong. Know your worth and the value of your film.

Without independent filmmakers the independent film industry is nothing.

You hold the gold, so don't give it away!

Festivals are your stronghold. They seem to be one of the only solid avenues that work to ensure your work reaches an audience. Keep tight with them. Allow them to work for you and make sure you are giving them your promotional materials plus promoting your screening at each event whether or not you are able to attend. Perhaps favor festivals that favor audiences over industry. It is the audience you need to reach. The industry doesn't know what to do with you. The audience just wants to check out your work.

You are responsible for the destiny of your work. Take it. Hold on to it. Own it. Be responsible for it. Profit from it.

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