We started a new project and want you to be part of it!
What I've learned more than anything else as Festival Director of Strasbourg International Film Festival and Creative Director of Tregor Film Fest is that distribution is most important to our independent filmmakers. As we all know, the system is broken and ready for change. We've been asking questions and listening to our filmmakers. We have considered our options and have created a plan that will work on a global scale for filmmakers, festivals and audiences.
We encourage filmmakers to continue on the festival path as it is one of the best and most affordable ways for filmmakers to promote and expose their work to audiences on a global level while building hype and momentum which can them be utilized during the distribution journey. We have created a way for filmmakers to make money directly and for the long haul. We want you financially able to continue to make films because that is the best way to ensure audiences will have access to your work!
This is what we've come up with...
Film Festival Circuit
FilmFestJunkie will work closely with festivals to help festivals brand themselves globally through building an online presence and audience during their festival dates. Each filmmaker will have the opportunity to show their work during festival dates online through the festival. No filmmaker will ever be obligated to participate. It will always be a choice. The filmmaker, festival and FFJ will share equally in the box office gross (that means straight off the top profits before any bills are paid). Our goal is to empower both festivals and filmmakers. We want festivals and filmmakers alike to be strong, vital and financially self-sufficient so that each entity can concern themselves with the creative end of their business rather than the financial worriment of it. All festival films will only be shown during festival dates thereby holding festival integrity and allowing films to generate buzz while moving on to the next festival along their circuit route.
Global Online Theater
FFJ will team with filmmakers to bridge the gap between the audience and independent film. For too long now (as in forever) most independent films have not been readily available to audiences around the world. There is a small select group of us that seem to have the 'in' on festival films. It's time we begin allowing the audience to see the films they've been craving. Traditional distributors have long had difficulty profiting off indie films for reasons that simply do not apply to our business model or structure. We focus on niche audiences. We can afford to be selective and to cultivate relations with different types of niche audiences.
Moreover, having watched 1000s of films both submitted to our festivals and at other festivals (such as at Cannes, Berlinale, Edinburgh and Raindance) we know what's out there. We have the ability to build an excellent library of quality films easily and efficiently simply because we've seen these films and know what we will be bringing to our audience.
Building Trust with Audiences
You cannot build a vital business on crap. The films that screen on FFJ are quality films worth seeing. We will build an audience based on trust built from mutual respect. We respect the audience wants quality. They receive quality and therefore they will trust that we will continue to give it to them. By this means, we will build a loyal following of independent film lovers on global scale.
Working With the Rights You Have
If your film has been sold in different regions or countries we have the ability to restrict access to these locations. If your film has contracts that need to be attended to we will work with you to create communication between all parties for the best of everyone involved. We all have the same goal which is for the work to be seen. We can all work together as a unite to achieve this goal.
Making Money
Films in distribution with FFJ will receive 50% of the online box office gross. There are other companies that pay 70% of net but remember that net is what is left after all the bills are paid. Gross is what is made before expenses.
FFJ wants your films, trailer and online promotional items. It is necessary for you to build a relationship with your audience. We respect that, know that and will want do that. We want your audience to wait in anticipation for your next project. We want to brand you! You must be the biggest promoter of your work.
Think Tarantino. He hustles nonstop promoting his films. He understands that it is necessary. You, too, must dedicate yourself to the promotion of your film. Your film and your audience deserve your attention. You have not finished once the film is complete. You have just begun. We will help you help yourself.
Our goal is to create a system that helps filmmakers support themselves so they can actually live off their filmmaking. It takes work and we expect you to help us find your audience!
Creating a Financially Profitable Online Theater for Filmmaker and Festivals
Over and over it is said that no one knows where distribution is going. We all know that online viewership will be a standard, not taking the place of theaters or festivals but rather complimenting them. Online viewing is the easiest way to access independent films or not-the-most-mainstream-films that we want to see. Let's pave the way together! Let's ensure that independent filmmakers and film festivals rise to the top of the money heap.
Keep Your Rights
We've created a system that will allow you to keep the rights to your film, gain a global audience and make money doing it.
We want you to profit and we're going to help you achieve that goal!
Send Us Your Films For Consideration
Over the next few weeks we will be adding films to the site. If you would like to be part of the revolution we'd love to have you!
Ask Questions! We've Got Answers!
Please feel free to submit films, tell your friends, forward this email and contact us with any questions or comments.
Our launch date is November 15, 2009!
We look forward to working with you!