Festival Director, Richard Wolstencroft, seems to embrace controversy whether it be the rebel in him or the do-gooder who simply feels people should have options and the right to choose and thereby brings it upon himself to ensure the Melbourne community has the opportunity to watch unique, experimental, off-beat films which are often a far cry from mainstream expectations.
A couple years ago, Wolstencroft wrote an open letter announcing that for MUFF's 10th anniversary the festival would run concurrently to MIFF screening the films MIFF refused to screen but that audiences had the right to watch. Withoutabox's reaction was to refuse to let MUFF take submissions on WAB. Being that WAB is the largest, best known and most widely used submission site in the world the affect the company can have on a festival isn't unnoticed. While WAB never officially gave a reason for such aggressive and harsh actions against The Little Fest That Could the submission service (or dictator) posted an unsigned notice for all to read to basically play nice or be in jeopardy of losing your fest too! Basically, it was a 'shut up and follow the lead and don't get out of line or you're next' notice.
Wolstencroft moved forward unfettered never steering from
his plight to bring further diversity to the film world always questioning the right of others whether in his own country or internationally to dictate the viewing options of others.

Now in its 12th year, MUFF and Wolstencroft once have the privilege and honor to embrace controversy in the name of film. This time on behalf of Bruce LaBruce's LA ZOMBIE. While I haven't had the privilege to see LaBruce's latest work my daughter and I were fortunate enough to watch OTTO, UP WITH DEAD PEOPLE at Berlinale 2008 and to screen it at Strabourg Int'l Film Festival.
LaBruce is an artist. Yes, he's totally into gut fucking scenes and tons of gay sex. But hey, who's to say that's not simply a hardcore gay guy's version of THE BIG EASY or 9 1/2 WEEKS. Isn't it a matter of taste? I doubt LaBruce would get as much out of YOU'VE GOT MAIL as one of his own films.
Trivia: The only scene in OTTO, UP WITH DEAD PEOPLE LaBruce didn't direct was the orgy scene. Why? Because he was a participant, of course. LaBruce is clearly a hand's on director but so is Rob Reiner and was Hitchcock - both of whom frequently appeared in their films. LaBruce just comes from a different place with different objectives.
Why is it that we don't mind gratuitous tits flying about the screen endlessly but a pee-pee here and there or a little gut fucking and that's it! I guarantee you I don't want to take my daughter to films that exploit women or treat them like they are just a couple of boobies.
Is this a gay issues? Do we think that we can turn them all straight if we don't let them make their films? How many prison chick flicks have been run out of countries for being appropriate? How many have ever been appropriate? I'd guess NONE!
So the cops came banging at Wolstencroft's door demanding that he hand over the hot, sexy and gory gay zombie film by the prolific LA director, Bruce LaBruce. Quite unfortunately for them Wolstencroft had already destroyed his copy and had nothing to offer.
LaBruce did a Q&A after the screening we went to at the Berlin Film Festival. Berlinale was the

LaBruce is a filmmaker. He is not an exploitationist as are so many directors just showing tits to make a buck. LaBruce can't help it... the man love dick and sex and kicks ass in the world of art films. For this reason, we as an audience should not have the doors to his work shut on us. Nor should we be forced to see it. Rather, we should be given the right to choose our own options not have them dictated to us. LaBruce make it clear that porn can be a part of an art film and beautiful. Would I rather have beautiful, intriguing, artistic, sexually explicit gay sex scenes or random tits flying around the screen hoping that some numb minded 16-year-old boy with a hard-on will by the dvd and the full screened titties will get me some dvd distribution -hooba! Uh... going for the art, anyday.
You can read more about Wolstencroft's encounters with the police and LaBruce in Advocate.com.